Wednesday 6 December 2017

Alu Chakta/Alu Chatanyi/Alu Chokha/Spicy Mashed Potatoes

Alu Chakta/Alu Chatanyi/Alu Chokha/Spicy Mashed Potatoes

Preparation Time:5mins
Cooking Time: 7 Minutes
Total Cooking Time :12 minutes

Being an Odiya potato is one of my favourite vegetable and a staple food in Odisha. Alu chokha is a very simple and esay recipe. It's a must in my in-laws home and my hubby's favorite dish too!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰.Main flavour of this dish is Mustard oil!. Plaese don't skip the step while preparing the dish.And it's equally famous in Bihar and Jharkhand popularly paired with"Litti Chokha".

Like to share some benefits of potato as there is a wrong concept about potato make us fat.
Though potatoes may be thought of as a fattening food, a medium, unsalted plain baked potato with skin has only 160 calories and is naturally fat- and cholesterol-free. ... Potatoes also offer vitamin B6, vitamin C and iron, and are an excellent source of potassium.

Important to a healthy diet, one medium-sized (5.3oz) skin-on potato has:
  • Just 110 calories๐Ÿ˜‰.
  • No fat, sodium or cholesterol.
  • Nearly half your daily value of vitamin C.
  • More potassium than a banana.
  • A good source of vitamin B6.
  • Fiber, magnesium and antioxidants.
  • Resistant starch.

Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: East India
Servings: 4 person


Potatoes 3 Medium size
Onion 1 medium size(finely chopped)
Green Chilly 2 crushed(adjust according to your preference)
Mixture Odisha (Special store bought)
Mustard oil 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste

  • Clean potatoes with running water and cut into half or whole
  • Place pressure cooker and place potatoes and give 2 whistle
  • Let it cool completely and peel off the potato skin
  • Now take your mixing bowl and mashed the potatoes with help of fork spoon(can use hands carefully as it will be hot)
  • Now add chopped onions,mustard oil, mixture and crushed green chilli
  • Give a good mix so that all ingredients will combined properly.   
  • Ready to serve with your favorite platter.                                           

egg-free, gluten-free, halal, kosher, vegan, vegetarian

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